2️⃣5️⃣ You can sell products using Wix stores as a weekly or monthly subscription. There is also the option to only sell them as a regular subscription or as both one off purchase or subscription.
Keep watching to find out how to setup.
If you want to sell a product in your Wix Store as a subscription—either monthly or weekly—follow these steps to enable and configure subscriptions.
Step 1: Access Your Wix Store Products
Log in to your Wix Dashboard.
Navigate to Wix Stores.
Click Catalog → Products to access your product list.
Select the product you want to offer as a subscription.
Step 2: Enable Subscription for a Product
Scroll down to the bottom of the product settings page.
Click Create a Subscription.
Choose the subscription frequency:
Custom duration (e.g., 2 weeks, 3 weeks, etc.).
Set the subscription expiry:
Choose "Never expires" (the subscription continues until cancelled).
OR set a fixed number of cycles (e.g., 4 weeks, 6 months).
Step 3: Set Subscription Pricing & Discount
Locate the pricing section.
Set the discount for subscription purchases:
Example: If the original price is £85, you can apply a 10% discount for subscribers.
Set the new price (e.g., £76.50 for a weekly plan).
Apply the discount percentage and confirm.
Step 4: Choose Purchase Options
You can offer the product as:
Subscription only (customers must subscribe).
One-time purchase & subscription (customers can choose).
Select the preferred purchase options and apply changes.
Step 5: Save & Verify Subscription Setup
Click Save to confirm the settings.
Visit your Wix Store website and refresh the page.
Your product will now have two purchasing options:
One-time purchase (e.g., £85).
Subscription plan (e.g., £76.50 per week).
Click Add to Cart for a one-time purchase or Subscribe for the recurring plan.
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