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23/101 Default SEO settings for your Wix Website

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

2️⃣3️⃣ Customise the default SEO page naming for blog posts, pro galleries, pages, and blog categories

When creating pages or blog posts on your Wix website you want to start off with a good naming convention for the titles to improve on after that.

That's where default SEO settings comes in. You can create a good starting naming structure for all pages on your site.

For example you might create a page called "new page". The actual name of this page will be "new page" and when it's indexed will show up as "new page".

You can instead use the default settings and create a structure like this: PAGE NAME | SITE NAME | LOCATION as an example which would then covert "new page" into something like this: "new page | Smoogles Design | Bath, UK" so by adding these auto site name and location fields it will make these titles more descriptive.

SEO settings in the Wix Dashboard
SEO settings in the Wix Dashboard

Customise defaults for each time of page on your Wix website
Customise defaults for each time of page on your Wix website

If you need help optimising your website, we can help, book a discovery call with Rory by clicking below.


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